Green apple with dew | White tulip | Sandalwood
Lale, the first name of tulips, the bud from a refreshing yet understated sweetness as if a bite of a neat green apple soaked with the dew of dawn. The green floral scent bloomed as white tulip leaves. Spicy leather and mimosa elevate with the rich sandalwood, leaving a deep and subtle lingering aftertaste.
As a cream-type product that you can use like a perfume, it absorbs quickly as soon as you apply it to your dry and fragile hands. It provides rich nutrition with a fresh, non-sticky texture while delivering an attractive scent. It soothes your tired hands die to everyday stress with a comfortable moisture, completing your skin that shines with moisture.
The design of Perfume Shell X, which looks like it was removed from the sand, has a unique pattern for each product. It is composed of various colors that arouses colorful feelings of the scent.